• Kholikov Bakhodir Alikulovich Uzbek State University of World Languages (Tashkent), Uzbekistan
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Keywords: Detective Reality, Individual Interpretation, Detective-Adventurous Genre, Morality, The Principle of Boomerang


The article presents scientific analytical conclusions on the established opinions about literary-theoretical views related to the literary life, psychology of creativity, writer’s skillfulness, spiritual-educational world of a person in fiction as a result of special studies of the close and analogical literary phenomena in fiction writing.  On the material of the novel “Godfather” by a prominent American writer of the XXth century Mario Puzo and “Shaytanat” (“Band of Devils”) by Uzbek writer Tokhir Malik, the society’s stability and negative factors influencing social-spiritual life of the society are analyzed.


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How to Cite
Alikulovich, K. B. (2016). DETECTIVE REALITY AND INDIVIDUAL INTERPRETATION. OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra, 10(1), 1-9.