Screening for Plagiarism

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, has a zero-tolerance for plagiarism and unethical behavior with respect to publishing. Authors must guarantee that their paper is of the highest standard and that attributions and citations are accurate and the paper is original in its entirety. The journal applies plagiarism checking to each submitted manuscript. The journal utilizes Turnitin to measure the similarity level with a maximum similarity percentage of 25% and the author will be well-informed about the result of similarities-checking. All papers with any plagiarism detections mean an immediate rejection.

Plagiarism may happen when an author takes ideas, information, or words either in the form of direct or indirect quotations from another source without proper credit to the source. Even when it occurs unintentionally, plagiarism is still a serious academic violation and unacceptable in international academic publications.

When the author learns specific information (a name, date, place, statistical number, or other detailed information) from a specific source, a citation is required.

If the author takes an idea from another author, he/she should cite the author's name clearly. In cases where the author develops the idea further, the author may cite one or more quotations from the original sources and then develop their own ideas in a subsequent sentence.

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra takes academic integrity very seriously, and the editors reserve the right to withdraw acceptance from a paper found to violate any of the plagiarism standards above.