Analysis of the Application Problem Posing Learning Model in Social Studies Subjects

  • Abdul Mannan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
  • Ahmad Imam Khairi Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
Abstract views: 150 , PDF downloads: 110
Keywords: Social Sciences., Problem Posing,, Learning Models


The purpose of this research is to explain how the implementation of the problem posing learning model in social studies subjects; and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for teachers in implementing the Problem Posing Learning Model in Social Studies Subjects. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Data sources were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The informants of this research are principals and social studies teachers at SMP Muhammadiyah Pamekasan. While checking the validity of the data is done through extended participation, increased persistence and triangulation. The research results obtained are: (1) the application of the problem posing model makes students more active in the classroom, the ability of students to formulate questions both independently and in groups also increases, this makes students' understanding of the subject matter is also maximized, (2) Supporting factors for the application of the problem posing model include problem posing models that are easy to apply in the learning process, cohesiveness between students in class VIII is increasing. The inhibiting factors for the implementation of the problem posing model include less conducive classroom conditions, the diversity of abilities possessed by students, limited facilities and infrastructure, requiring quite a lot of time.


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