Influence of English and Filipino as Assessment Languages in Word-Problem Performance

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Keywords: English language assessment, Filipino language assessment, Mathematics, Multilingual, Word-problem performance


Second-language learners frequently encounter challenges when solving word problems that are not written in their first language. This study compares the mathematics word-problem performance of 5th-grade learners using English and Filipino as the languages of assessment. The study consists of 32 5th-grade students from a public elementary school in the Philippines. The lesson delivery focused on problem-solving learning competencies, delivered by an experienced teacher using English-language instruction. Employing a quasi-experimental design, the researchers utilized a researcher-made 30-item test comprising questions expressed in English and 15 questions expressed in Filipino. Each student responds to questions in both languages. It was administered at the beginning and the end of a week-long lesson. Analyses of test scores yielded no significant difference between learners’ performance in English and Filipino items; however, results reveal students’ very low competency in solving word problems. Nonetheless, this study supports the utilization of bilingual instruction and the inclusion of Filipino translations in assessments aside from offering research points for further explorations.


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Author Biographies

Reynald Cacho, Philippine Normal University South Luzon, Lopez, Quezon 4316

REYNALD M. CACHO, Director for Research, Extension, Quality Assurance, and Development of the Philippine Normal University South Luzon Campus. He earned his Ph.D. in Knowledge Management and Innovation Management from the Institute for Knowledge and Innovation, South East Asia, at Bangkok University, Thailand. His current research interests encompass a wide range of fields, including language and literacy education, educational management, generative AI application in education, and knowledge sharing.

Stephanie Alyssa Lladonez, Philippine Normal University South Luzon, Lopez, Quezon 4316

STEPHANIE ALYSSA M. LLADONEZ is an undergraduate researcher and a pre-service teacher taking up Bachelor in Mathematics and Science Elementary Education at Philippine Normal University South Luzon.                                                                                         

Rejulios Villenes, Department of Education-Division of Quezon-Lopez East District, Lopez, Quezon 4316

REJULIOS M. VILLENES, is a Public Schools District Supervisor of Lopez East District in Lopez, Quezon, Philippines. He also works as an Assistant Professor IV at higher educational institutions in Lopez, Quezon. He is a learning specialist and instructional supervisor with several years of experience in research, education training & development (classroom and online), project development/management, curriculum supervision, learning facilitation, learning innovations, and community work.

Mary Rose Macabuhay, Philippine Normal University South Luzon, Lopez, Quezon 4316

MARY ROSE S. MACABUHAY is an undergraduate researcher and a pre-service teacher pursuing a Bachelor's in Mathematics and Science Elementary Education at Philippine Normal University South Luzon.

Crizia Nicole Valerio, Philippine Normal University South Luzon, Lopez, Quezon 4316

CRIZIA NICOLE S. VALERIO is an undergraduate researcher and a pre-service teacher pursuing a Bachelor's in Mathematics and Science Elementary Education at Philippine Normal University South Luzon.


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How to Cite
Cacho, R., Lladonez, S. A., Villenes, R., Macabuhay, M. R., & Valerio, C. N. (2024). Influence of English and Filipino as Assessment Languages in Word-Problem Performance. OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra, 18(1), 54-70.