Development of IPS Learning Media In the from of Kopas (Kotak Belajar Praaksara) in MTs Hidayatut-Thullab Robatal Sampang

The use of innovative learning media in social studies learning is very important. Based on pre-research observations at MTs Hidayatut-Thullab Robatal Sampang, it was found that teachers were lacking in using learning media. For this reason, researchers decided to develop media for social studies learning, namely the Kopas (Kotak Belajar Praaksara. The purpose of this study is to describe the procedure for developing Kopas (Kotak Belajar Praaksara) media and to identify the feasibility of the Kopas (Kotak Belajar Praaksara) media on the social studies content of human life material in the preliteracy period. This research uses research and development methods (Research and Development) using a 4-D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The results showed that Kopas media is suitable for use because it meets the eligibility requirements that have been validated by experts, from material experts 4.7 with very feasible categories and from media experts 3.3 with feasible categories. The response from the teacher got a score of 88.6% showing that the Kopas media was very feasible and from the students' responses got a score of 87.8% which means the Kopas media is very interesting reaching an average of 65% (active).
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