• Muhammad Jukhairin Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram
  • Saparudin Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram
Abstract views: 122 , PDF downloads: 122
Keywords: learning model, problem based learning, student ability


Education has three crucial issues which include curriculum renewal, improving the quality of teaching, and developing learning strategies. The curriculum needs to be updated so that it is responsive to social change, relevant to current demands, and able to accommodate student diversity and technological developments. Improving the quality of teaching must be focused on achieving higher quality educational outcomes. Developing effective learning strategies is important to empower students' potential optimally.

In the context of Islamic Religious Education, the aim is to prepare, develop and shape students' abilities to master the knowledge, attitudes, values and potential basic skills needed in community life. The Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model is one of the innovations that is relevant to the demands of the 21st century. PBL refers to learning characteristics that train students to think critically, solve problems, think according to reality, and interact with the surrounding environment.

The research method used in this research is library research, where the data and materials used come from various literary sources. PBL is a student-centered learning approach, with the teacher as a facilitator. PBL encourages students to actively think, find solutions to problems, and construct their own knowledge.

PBL has several steps, including clarifying concepts, formulating problems, analyzing problems, collecting data, testing hypotheses, and drawing conclusions. The aim is to improve students' abilities in critical, analytical, systematic and logical thinking, as well as promoting scientific attitudes, independent learning and social skills. PBL has benefits such as increased understanding of material, increased focus on relevant knowledge, development of critical, social and learning skills, as well as student motivation to learn. This model encourages students to actively participate in the learning process, develop their own understanding, and solve problems creatively. PBL also facilitates continuous learning and increases students' interest in learning. Thus, PBL is a relevant and effective learning approach to face the challenges of modern education.


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