Etnopedagogi Berlandaskan Nilai-Nilai Rumah Betang dalam Pembelajaran Sosiologi

Betang house is a traditional house of Dayak ethnicity which has various values that behave
in life. Betang house values are part of the character of the Indonesian people so that they
can be implemented in sociology subjects based on ethnopedagogy.This research uses a
literature study method based on various relevant documents. The results of this study
indicate that in implementing the values of betang houses in class X, XI and XI materials can
make students have character that is sourced from the values of local wisdom in their area,
especially in West Kalimantan Province.Furthermore, the use of learning models in sociology
subjects is the use of learning models that are tailored to each material taught to students
such as the material in class X and XII used models of lecture and discussion learning.While
the class XI material uses the role playing learning model in material about community and
multicultural groups as an effort to provide students with an understanding of local wisdom
and efforts to revitalize the values of the Betang house towards social life.
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