Isinga: Objectification and Abjection in Women

  • Abu Wafa Master of Literature, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Ramayda Akmal Doctor of Philosophy, Universität Hamburg
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Keywords: objectification;, abjection;, Kristeva;, Isinga.


Isinga (2015) by Dorothea Rosa Herliany tells about the downturn of women so that they often become objects of the patriarchal system adopted by the local culture as well as the potential to cause abjection of female figures. This study attempts to analyze Isinga (2015) with Kristeva's perspective on abjection and Calogero's objectification of women. By using qualitative methods, this study used a feminist approach to see gender inequality in the novel. The results obtained from this study are that Irewa experienced objectification, which then continued to become an abjection. Irewa's objectification occurred because her husband, Malom, made her a sexual object. Jingi only received abjection since she was born because she was born with twins with Irewa, one of whom had to be thrown away so that the village would not be in danger.Isinga (2015) by Dorothea Rosa Herliany tells about the downturn of women so that they often become objects of the patriarchal system adopted by the local culture as well as the potential to cause abjection of female figures. This study attempts to analyze Isinga (2015) with Kristeva's perspective on abjection and Calogero's objectification of women. By using qualitative methods, this study used a feminist approach to see gender inequality in the novel. The results obtained from this study are that Irewa experienced objectification, which then continued to become an abjection. Irewa's objectification occurred because her husband, Malom, made her a sexual object. Jingi only received abjection since she was born because she was born with twins with Irewa, one of whom had to be thrown away so that the village would not be in danger.


Author Biography

Ramayda Akmal, Doctor of Philosophy, Universität Hamburg

Isinga (2015) by Dorothea Rosa Herliany tells about the downturn of women so that they often become objects of the patriarchal system adopted by the local culture as well as the potential to cause abjection of female figures. This study attempts to analyze Isinga (2015) with Kristeva's perspective on abjection and Calogero's objectification of women. By using qualitative methods, this study used a feminist approach to see gender inequality in the novel. The results obtained from this study are that Irewa experienced objectification, which then continued to become an abjection. Irewa's objectification occurred because her husband, Malom, made her a sexual object. Jingi only received abjection since she was born because she was born with twins with Irewa, one of whom had to be thrown away so that the village would not be in danger.


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How to Cite
Wafa, A., & Akmal, R. (2024). Isinga: Objectification and Abjection in Women . GHANCARAN: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia, 5(2), 242—259.