Peer Reviewer Process

The journal follows a double-blind peer review policy, namely that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer. In the review process, reviewers consider the suitability of the title, abstract, introduction, results, discussion, and conclusion. In addition, the reviewers also consider novelty, scientific impact, and references used in the manuscript. The journal follows the systematic review and publication policy:
Step 1: Submitted manuscripts are acknowledged within 12-24 hours of receipt.
Step 2: Manuscripts that have been received will undergo an initial check (pre-review). This process is to check the suitability of templates, formats, use of reference management, etc. The suitable manuscripts will be sent to the editor. However, manuscripts that are not appropriate will be returned to the author to be readjusted. The pre-review process takes approximately one to two weeks.
Step 3: The editor will process it by providing code to the manuscript. This is so that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewer. The editor will forward the submitted manuscript to two reviewers according to their field of expertise and focus & scope of the manuscript. The review process takes two to weeks.
Step 4: Reviewers will review the submitted manuscript. The review report will be sent back to the editor. This process takes about one to three weeks.
Step 5: The editor will send a review report to the author including a formal request to correct the manuscript within one to two weeks according to the reviewer's suggestions.
Step 6: The author sends/re-uploads the results of the improvements according to the review results notes.
Step 7: Manuscripts that have been corrected by the author and accepted by the editor will be sent back to the two reviewers (Phase II Review).
Step 8: Reviewers will review the manuscript that has been sent (Phase II Review). The review report will be sent back to the editor. This process takes about one to two weeks. If the manuscript is returned by the reviewer, it is said that the manuscript has finally been rejected. The journal will not proceed with the paper. However, in the case of very minor changes, the editorial board may consider the manuscript for further modification. The author was asked to revise according to minor notes.
Step 9: Received manuscripts will be processed for publication (soft copy) after completing the journal terms and conditions.
Step 10: The editor will send the manuscript that has been processed for publication (MS Word) to the author/corresponding author for proofreading.
Step 11: The manuscript will be published online first. The editor will notify the author of the online publication with the required download link. The corresponding author may request corrections in the published manuscript (if there are critical changes) within one week of online publication.
Step 12: The journal is published in print within three to four weeks of online publication. The entire process from sending a manuscript to publication takes around 10 to 15 weeks.