This special edition of Lalonget II with the theme "Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Restoration Indonesian Language Education Perspective" accepted 12 articles. In this special edition, the authors' geographical affiliations come from several regions in Indonesia. These affiliations include University of PGRI Madiun; SDN Taman 01 Madiun; University of Sebelas Maret; Surabaya State University; UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung; Yogyakarta State University; Universitas Ahmad Dahlan; UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya; and IAIN Madura. The material discussed involve with the predetermined theme, namely the restoration of Indonesian language education after the covid-19 pandemic.
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Abstract views: 481 , PDF downloads: 918
Abstract views: 301 , PDF downloads: 349
Abstract views: 226 , PDF downloads: 221
Abstract views: 1267 , PDF downloads: 4181
Abstract views: 835 , PDF downloads: 704
Abstract views: 866 , PDF downloads: 908
Abstract views: 548 , PDF downloads: 524
Abstract views: 236 , PDF downloads: 197