This special edition of Lalonget IV with the theme "Transforming Language & Literature Learning through Technology Integration" accepted 41 articles. In this special edition, the number of articles increased by reaching a wider affiliates in various regions in Indonesia. These affiliates include: Islamic University of Malang; State University of Malang; Semarang State University; Darul Ulum Lamongan Islamic University; Nias University; PGRI University Madiun; Wisnuwardhana University; UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung; Gadjah Mada University; UPN "Veteran" East Java; Surabaya State University; Pamulang University; Indonesian Language Education University; IAIN Ambon; Morotai Pacific University; Insan Budi Utomo University; Makassar State University; Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta University; University 45 Surabaya; Bina Nusantara University; Riau University; Al Washliyah Medan University; and IAIN Madura. The material discussed involve with the predetermined theme, namely the transformation of language and literature learning integrated with current technological developments.

Published: 2023-12-19
